Trademark And Copyright Law
Trademarks and copyrights are legal protections for certain types of intellectual property, including inventions, ideas, artistic creations, music and brands.
A trademark consists of any word, name, symbol, figure, letter or device used by a company to identify and distinguish its products from those manufactured or sold by others. To be protectable, a mark must be distinctive. In other words, it must identify the source and distinguish the trademark owner’s goods or services from the goods or services of its competitors. Before adopting and using a new mark, it is advisable to perform or obtain a trademark “search” to determine if there is a mark already in use, registered or subject to a pending application that may conflict with the proposed mark.
If you are interested in obtaining general information about trademarks, the following link will direct you to a webpage hosted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).
USPTO – Basic Facts About Trademarks
When You Need A Trademark Attorney, Call Adam D. Decker, Attorney at Law, P.C.
Get the guidance you need by contacting the firm online or calling 219-306-4837. Answers to your questions and knowledge about how to protect your business and assets is online a phone call away.